Hi there! After nearly seven years blogging at long distance loving, I wanted a fresh start to reignite my blogging flame. If you’re a longtime long distance loving reader, don’t worry: this new corner of the internet will still be familiar to you. I’m transporting your favorite posts (and mine) here. If you’re new here, allow me to introduce myself!
So much has changed since I started blogging in 2010. There are SO many voices in the mix these days. If you’re like me, you feel inundated with all the noise. My goal with ali v. is to share helpful and enlightening content without overdoing it. Whatever appears on these pages comes from the heart. I also pledge to only share products I love myself. My aim is to post twice weekly, or as much as my working mom life allows. I welcome your input and appreciate your feedback. I want ali v. to be a place you return for a break from all the craziness of every day life. Thank YOU for giving me a bit of your precious time. I promise to give you my best in each and every post! I’m so grateful you’re along for the ride.
P.S. If you loved a post on long distance loving and want to see it make the move, leave a comment below or shoot me an email. Your wish is my command!
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